Greater Glasgow and Clyde Medicines

Latest Medicines Updates & News

Formulary Update (June 2024)

Posted: Thursday, June 20, 2024

Category - Formulary Update

This post summarises the latest NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde decisions relating to new medicines assessed by SMC and considered by the Area Drug and Therapeutics Committee (ADTC) and uses a nationally developed format specifically aimed for patients and the public.

For full details of the medicines included in this post that are available for use, including any restrictions on prescribing, please see the relevant entry in the GGC Formulary


Prescribing Cost Efficiency Initiative 2024/25

Posted: Thursday, June 13, 2024

Category - Medicines Update

  • NHS Scotland spends £1.8 billion each year on medicines; £660 million of this total is within NHSGGC
  • In 2024/25, NHSGGC is expected to spend an additional £35 million on medicines in primary care, with no increase in funding from Scottish Government
  • If no action is taken to improve the efficiency of prescribing within NHSGGC, there will be an adverse impact on the provision of other health and care services
  • All prescribers within NHSGGC are asked to reflect on their prescribing practice to ensure that medicines prescribed are:
    • Evidence based
    • Cost-effective
    • Necessary for the patient

Clozapine supply and missed doses in acute

Posted: Friday, May 17, 2024

Category - Medicines Update

  • Acute hospital sites in NHSGGC do not stock clozapine.
  • Clozapine is generally supplied from Leverndale Pharmacy.
  • Leverndale Pharmacy should be contacted (including out of hours) when patients on clozapine are admitted to an acute hospital to inform of admission, confirm dose and arrange supply (if required). Leverndale Pharmacy should also be contacted when patients are discharged.
  • If a patient misses clozapine for more than 48 hours, it must be re-titrated to their original dose on advice of the mental health (MH) team.

Clozapine and risk of life-threatening constipation

Posted: Friday, May 17, 2024

Category - Medicines Update

  • Constipation is a very common adverse effect of clozapine treatment
  • Mortality rates associated with complications from clozapine-induced constipation are higher than the risk of fatal agranulocytosis
  • The risk of clozapine-induced constipation is highest in the first few months of treatment
  • If symptoms suggestive of obstruction emerge, clozapine should be stopped and referral made to mental health services (MHS) for advice