Greater Glasgow and Clyde Medicines
Key to symbols The medicine should be initiated by, or on the advice of a specialist, but is suitable for continuation by a GP The medicine should only be used and prescribed by a specialist Indicates the preferred choice within a class or group of medicines
The medicine should be initiated by, or on the advice of a specialist, but is suitable for continuation by a GP
The medicine should only be used and prescribed by a specialist
Indicates the preferred choice within a class or group of medicines
14. Immunological products and vaccines

14.5. Immunoglobulins

14.5.1. Normal immunoglobulin

Total Formulary

Prescribing Notes:

See BNF,  The Green Book and Scottish Clinical Guidelines for Immunoglobulin Use for guidance relating to immunoglobulins.

For NHSGGC guidance and request forms please click here (requires connection to the NHSGGC network)

BNF Link

14.5.2. Disease-specific immunoglobulins

See BNF,  The Green Book and Scottish Clinical Guidelines for Immunoglobulin Use for guidance relating to immunoglobulins.

For NHSGGC guidance and request forms please click here (requires connection to the NHSGGC network).

14.5.3. Anti-D (Rh0) immunoglobulin

See BNF,  The Green Book and Scottish Clinical Guidelines for Immunoglobulin Use for guidance relating to immunoglobulins.

For NHSGGC guidance and request forms please click here (requires connection to the NHSGGC network).