Greater Glasgow and Clyde Medicines
Key to symbols The medicine should be initiated by, or on the advice of a specialist, but is suitable for continuation by a GP The medicine should only be used and prescribed by a specialist Indicates the preferred choice within a class or group of medicines
The medicine should be initiated by, or on the advice of a specialist, but is suitable for continuation by a GP
The medicine should only be used and prescribed by a specialist
Indicates the preferred choice within a class or group of medicines
11. Eye

11.1. Administration of drugs to the eye

The use of single-dose eye drops should be reserved for patients who fail to tolerate formulations with preservatives. Combination eye drop preparations, such as those available for the management of glaucoma, can be considerably more expensive than the use of the separate constituents. Combnation preparations should be restricted to use in patient who are adequately controlled on the separate constituents and where there is a recognised compliance issue.