Greater Glasgow and Clyde Medicines

Medicines Update -2021

For all healthcare professionals across NHSGGC both in primary care and the acute sector.

Please note, Medicines Update blogs are correct at the time of publication.

Medicines Update blogs remain on the website for 4 years. If you would like a copy of a blog published more than 4 years ago, please contact

Click here for a promotional poster on Medicines Update and here for an animation on the Communications subcommittee of ADTC responsible for the development of Medicines Update.

If you would like to contribute to Medicines Update, click here for a guide to blog writing. When you email the committee to discuss writing a blog, you will be sent a checklist to complete prior to submitting the blog for review.

06/09/2023 announcement

Accessing GGC Clinical Guidelines via Medicines Update blogs and the Adult Therapeutics Handbook 

GGC Clinical Guidelines have migrated to the Right Decisions for Health and Care platform. As a result of the migration, direct links to GGC guidelines within Medicines Update blogs (and the Adult Therapeutics Handbook, GGC Medicines App) currently go to the homepage and not individual guidelines. This change was out with our control. 
Please note, there is a message on the homepage highlighting intermittent issues with the search function, therefore, if you cannot find a guideline via the search box, select the relevant category from the homepage or if the guideline still can't be found, contact
An update will be provided in due course.

Pico 7® dressing kit for use in post-op caesarean section incisional sites

Posted: Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Category - Medicines Update

Key messages

  • Pico 7® Single Use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (sNPWT) dressing kit will be initiated on wound closure in theatre and will remain in situ for one week, under the ongoing care of acute midwives
  • When used for this indication, Pico 7® sNPWT kit or additional Pico 7® dressings should not be prescribed in Primary Care
  • Women will be provided with details of acute midwife and who to contact if a new dressing is required or for further advice on device

Infection Management Guideline Changes Jan 2021

Posted: Monday, January 11, 2021

Category - Medicines Update

Updates to the GGC Infection Management Guideline (IMG) and IVOST guideline reflect a review of evidence including:

  • increasing resistance in Gram negative organisms to co-amoxiclav and temocillin
  • the support of oral (over intravenous) therapy and shorter course (5 day) treatment particularly in lower respiratory tract infections
  • promotion of patient centered care by informing the patient and recording on the Kardex the indication and planned duration of treatment