13.8. Sunscreens, camouflagers and photodamage
13.8.1. Sunscreen preparations and photodamage Conditions associated with photodamage

Prevention of phototoxicity in adult patients with erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) is restricted to specialist use.
Prescribing Notes:
- This therapy is available via the Scottish Government Ultra-orphan pathway
- Formulary status will be reconsidered following the reassessment by SMC (expected 2024)

- Restricted to use by Consultant Dermatologists for the treatment of actinic keratosis of mild to moderate intensity on the face and scalp (Olsen grade 1 to 2).
- Restricted to specialist use for the treatment of superficial and/or nodular basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in adults unsuitable for surgical treatment due to possible treatment-related morbidity and/or poor cosmetic outcome.

Restricted to use by Consultant Dermatologists for the treatment of mild actinic keratosis lesions with a maximum diameter of 1.8cm on the face and scalp.

The treatment of clinically typical, nonhyperkeratotic, nonhypertrophic actinic keratoses on the face or scalp in immunocompetent adult patients is restricted to specialist initiation. The topical treatment of small superficial basal cell carcinoma is restricted to second line use by specialist dermatologists in adults where standard treatment with surgery or cryotherapy is contraindicated and fluorouracil is not appropriate.
Prescribing Notes:
For the use of imiquimod in genital and perianal warts, see section 13.7

Restricted to specialist initiation by clinicians experienced in the management of actinic keratoses only in patients with large field actinic keratosis (>25cm2) when other topical treatments are contraindicated or less appropriate.

Restricted to use by specialist dermatologists when other treatments are inappropriate or contra-indicated
Prescribing Notes:
It should be noted that tirbanibulin is currently only licensed for non-hypertrophic, non-hyperkeratotic actinic keratosis of the face and scalp (Olsen grade 1). Sunscreen preparations
ACBS restrictions apply to prescribing. See BNF for details.
Prescribing Notes:
This product is available as SPF 30 and SPF 50 preparation.