13.9. Shampoos and other preparations for scalp and hair conditions
13.9.1. Shampoo preparations
Prescribing Notes:
For use in soborrhoeic scalp conditions like dermatitis. Contains benzalkonium chloride 0.5%
13.9.2. Scalp preparations
For corticosteroid scalp preparations, please refer to section 13.4Prescribing Notes:
This is not available as a licensed proprietary preparation, but is routinely available as a "special"
Prescribing Notes:
This is not available as a licensed proprietary preparation, but is routinely available as a "special"
13.9.3. Hirsutism
Prescribing Notes:
Brands include Dianette®. Contains a mixture of cyproterone acetate and ethinylestradiol in a 2000:35 part ratio. CSM advice (see BNF for full advice): Prescribers are reminded that the risk of venous thromboembolism is higher in women taking co-cyprindiol than those taking a low-dose combined oral contraceptive. It is licensed for severe acne and moderately severe hirsutism and should not be used solely for contraception though it is occasionally used as a contraceptive (unlicensed indication) when acne is present. It is contraindicated in those with a personal or close family history of venous thromboembolism.
Restricted for the treatment of facial hirsutism in women for whom alternative drug therapy is ineffective, contraindicated or considered inappropriate.
13.9.4. Alopecia areata

Restricted to specialist use only
Prescribing Notes:
For the treatment of severe alopecia areata