13.10. Anti-infective skin preparations
13.10.1. Antibacterial preparations Antibacterial preparations only used topically
Prescribing Notes:
Used in MRSA eradication therapy as outlined by Infection Control guidelines. For nasal preparations, see section 12.2.3. Antibacterial preparations also used systemically
Prescribing Notes:
For topical preparations, please refer to 13.6.1. Metronidazole is available in a range of topical preparations, some of which are licensed for acne rosacea. Consult BNF for further information.

Restricted to specialist initiation for licensed indications.
Prescribing Notes:
For indications other than dermatology please refer to section 5.1.10
13.10.2. Antifungal preparations
13.10.3. Antiviral preparations
13.10.4. Parasiticidal preparations
For the treatment of head lice, please refer to the NHSGGC Head Lice Service protocol available on StaffNet (Cut and paste the following link into your web browser to access): http://www.staffnet.ggc.scot.nhs.uk/Acute/Division%20Wide%20Services/Pharmacy%20and%20Prescribing%20Support%20Unit/Community%20Pharmacy/Documents/Head%20Lice%20guidance%20notes%20August%202009.docPrescribing Notes:
Preparations contain 4% dimeticone. Hedrin® does not contain a chemical insecticide, but works by encapsulating the head lice, preventing them from functioning.
Restricted to use as a 3rd line treatment option for scabies when a total of 2 courses of either malathion or permethrin have been ineffective or not tolerated.
This preparation may be the only available licensed scabies treatment while there are intermittent supply issues with permethrin and malathion. (May 2024)
Prescribing Notes:
Oral tablets are a licensed formulation in the UK since 2023; the online BNF may not yet reflect this. (May 2024)