12.1. Drugs acting on the ear
12.1.1. Otitis externa

Prescribing Notes:
A combination of betamethasone and neomycin. Drops can be used in ear, eye or nose.
Prescribing Notes:
Products contain a combination of gentamicin 0.3% and hydrocortisone 1%.
Restricted to the treatment of acute otitis externa in patients with an intact tympanic membrane in clinical situations when off-label or unlicensed ciprofloxacin formulations would otherwise have been used.
12.1.2. Otitis media
Prescribing Notes:
Where immediate antibiotics are not prescribed, prescribe Otigo® ear drops for children or young people under the age of 18 where there is no ear drum perforation or otorrhoea.
Restricted to use in the treatment of acute otitis media in patients with tympanostomy tubes (AOMT).