Greater Glasgow and Clyde Medicines
Key to symbols The medicine should be initiated by, or on the advice of a specialist, but is suitable for continuation by a GP The medicine should only be used and prescribed by a specialist Indicates the preferred choice within a class or group of medicines
The medicine should be initiated by, or on the advice of a specialist, but is suitable for continuation by a GP
The medicine should only be used and prescribed by a specialist
Indicates the preferred choice within a class or group of medicines
2.5. Hypertension and heart failure

2.5.6. Other medicines beneficial in heart failure

Total Formulary

Prescribing Notes:

Refer to the NHSGGC Heart Failure treatment guideline for advice on initiation and monitoring.

For use in Chronic Kidney Disease, see section 7.5

BNF Link


Prescribing Notes:

Refer to the NHSGGC Heart Failure treatment guideline for advice on initiation and monitoring.

BNF Link