Greater Glasgow and Clyde Medicines

NHSGGC Formulary Appeals Process

The decision to add a medicine to the NHS GG&C Adult Medicines Formulary is made by ADTC and its sub-committees and takes into consideration advice from the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC), and the comparative efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness against medicines already on the Formulary.

The appeals process exists to offer appropriate NHS GG&C staff or groups who feel that the omission of a medicine from the Formulary may result in a compromise in care to patients an opportunity to make their case for the inclusion of the medicine. It also allows for medicines to be removed from Formulary or restrictions on use or positioning amended (within relevant SMC guidance).

Any consultant, GP, pharmacist and qualified non-medical prescriber within NHS GG&C has the right to submit an appeal or request a new drug assessment. Any request should be made on behalf of or be supported by a recognised ADTC subcommittee, Prescribing Management Group or Managed Clinical Network from within NHS GG&C.

In all cases, completed paperwork for all appeals and NDA requests should be emailed to the Medicines Policy & Guidance Team at