Greater Glasgow and Clyde Medicines

Therapeutics Handbook Update August 2020

The Adult Therapeutics Handbook content has now been updated.

This update includes updates to the following guidelines;

Management of Hyponatraemia guideline

The management of hyponatraemia guideline has been significantly revised with the input of Biochemistry, acute / emergency medicine and endocrinology specialists. The guideline includes:

  • The different symptoms of hyponatraemia
  • An investigation flowchart to identify the cause(s) and
  • A management flowchart of severe hyponatraemia, which should only be managed under senior physician guidance.  

Other guidelines and pages have had minor content updates including:

Please familiarise yourself with the above guidelines as appropriate and if you have not already done so, update your app on receipt of the notification. If you are not able to update your app then please refer to the GGC Medicines desktop site here as the website content is always live with the most up to date information. For more information or assistance with any aspect of the GGC Medicines app or Therapeutics handbook please contact


Published 08/09/2020. Medicines Update blogs are correct at the time of publication.