Greater Glasgow and Clyde Medicines

Key Medicine Shortages – August 2021

Monthly Update

1. Catapres® (clonidine) 100microgram tablets – very limited supplies are available until w/c 4th October 2021. Clonidine 25microgram tablets, and 50micrograms/5ml oral solution sugar free, remain available and able to support a full increase in demand. Please note, despite difference in licensed indication(s), there are no known differences in bioavailability between clonidine 25microgram tablets or clonidine 50microgram/5ml oral solution sugar free and Catapres® 100microgram tablets, and they can be considered interchangeable.

For further information, please refer to the Medicine Supply Alert Notice.


2. Clexane® (enoxaparin) prefilled syringes – a shortage of the ERIS™ automatic safety system will impact the availability of the following strengths from September until November 2021:

  • 4000 IU (40mg/0.4ml),
  • 6000 IU (60mg/0.6ml),
  • 8000 IU (80mg/0.8ml),
  • 10,000 IU (100mg/1ml).

To mitigate the supply issue during this period, Sanofi will supply Clexane® with the PREVENTIS™ automatic safety system for the affected presentations only. Please be aware of the difference in how the two safety devices are activated – additional training may be required.

For further information, please refer to the Medicine Supply Alert Notice.

Please note, Inhixa® is the enoxaparin preparation of choice for pre-filled syringes in NHSGGC.


3. Tinzaparin sodium (10,000 IU/ml) 3,500 units in 0.35ml and 4,500 units in 0.45ml prefilled syringes – will be unavailable between middle of October 2021 and January 2022 (date TBC). All other presentations of tinzaparin remain unaffected by this supply disruption.

For further information, please refer to Medicine Supply Alert Notice.


Why do medicine shortages occur?
Medicine shortages occur for a variety of reasons, including difficulties sourcing raw materials, product recalls for safety reasons, changes to licence holder, and changes to pack sizes.
It is vitally important that medicine shortages are monitored and appropriate actions taken, to minimise impact on patient care.


Where can I find further advice and information on medicine supply problems and shortages?
For the most up-to-date advice and information please refer to Current Medicine Supply Problems and Shortages page on StaffNet.


Published 01/09/2021. Medicines Update blogs are correct at the time of publication.