Greater Glasgow and Clyde Medicines

Guidance At End Of Life (GAEL) - Updated

Care of patients, their relatives, carers and friends in the last few days of life has always been a priority across NHSGGC. To ensure that the care delivered is holistic, person centred and follows the most up to date guidance in relation to assessment and symptom management, NHSGGC developed GAEL in 2014. The guidance was updated in 2020 and has recently been re–launched. The aim of the guideline is to promote a peaceful and dignified death and can be found here.

The expectation of the updated document is that healthcare professionals will feel more confident and competent caring for people in the last few days of life, find it clearer to use, focus on the key actions and find it a useful tool to guide practice.

The updated guidance includes:

NHSGGC palliative care guidelines can be found by clicking the pink icon on the homepage of StaffNet:


Published: 26/02/21. Links updated 23/02/22.  Medicines Update blogs are correct at the time of publication