Greater Glasgow and Clyde Medicines

Reminder – Are you acting in compliance with the valproate pregnancy prevention measures?

Valproate medicines have a high risk of causing birth defects and developmental disorders. Valproate is contraindicated in girls and women of childbearing potential unless the conditions of Prevent – the valproate pregnancy prevention programme (PPP) are fulfilled.

The PPP ensures that:

  • Patients are informed and understand the risks of valproate use in pregnancy - confirmed by signing an annual risk acknowledgment form
  • Patients take/use highly effective contraception or two complementary forms of effective contraception, including a barrier method if necessary
  • Patients have treatment reviewed with their specialist at least once per year

The Valproate Prevent Guide for Healthcare Professionals contains guidance for all prescribers, pharmacists and other healthcare providers involved in the care of women or girls of childbearing potential prescribed valproate.

For local expert advice to assist decision making on contraceptive methods in the context of the MHRA recommendations, please refer to a previous blog available here.

The NHSGGC Valproate Safety Stakeholders Group are currently exploring solutions to support healthcare professionals with their responsibilities for implementation of the PPP recommendations. For further advice please reach the NHSGGC Valproate Safety Stakeholders Group via


Published: 15/12/2021. Medicines Update blogs are correct at the time of publication