Greater Glasgow and Clyde Medicines

EMIS Synonyms Update – April 2020

Key messages for primary care prescribers:

  • The NHSGGC EMIS Drug Synonyms file (on StaffNet) has been updated to reflect recent updates to Anticipatory Prescribing ‘Just In Case’ medicines
  • NHSGGC eHealth has created a new folder in the practice shared drive to improve access to the EMIS Drug synonyms file

Updates to ‘Just In Case’ medicines:

Due to the current pandemic, there have been a number of changes made to 'Just in Case' medicines. The Scottish Palliative Care Guidelines have also been updated to include

alternatives to usual drugs and routes of administration, when usual drugs or syringe drivers are not available.

Additionally, Pharmacy Services have developed a Covid-19 NHSGGC Palliative Care Medicines for Care Homes Policy 2020

This policy introduces Level 1 and 2 palliative care medicines (obtained via GP10A) and allows supplies of these medicines to be kept in the residential/nursing home allowing immediate availability for disease/symptom management.

Level 1:
Basic symptomatic relief medicines via minor adaptation of Homely Remedies Medicine Policy. Pharmacy (P) and General Sales List (GSL) Medicines
Supplied via GP10A
Level 2: Routine non-scheduled Prescription Only Medicines (POMs) via pandemic clause exemptions from the Human Medicines Regulations 2012  Supplied via GP10A
Level 3: Routine palliative care controlled drugs – individual patient prescription dispensed by community pharmacy as per usual care. As per usual

New synonyms:

A number of new synonyms have been added to the NHSGGC EMIS Drug Synonyms file to aid prescribers.

JUST IN CASE-ALTERNATIVE – lists alternative oral/transdermal preparations when injectable medicines are not able to be sourced. This includes treatment of nausea and vomiting; pain; agitation; and respiratory tract secretions.

NH – for use by prescribers when continuing therapy for those patients who have received up to 48 hours of level 2 medicines in a nursing home. This includes treatment of exacerbation of COPD; treatment of community acquired pneumonia; and anticipatory medicines.

Changes to existing synonyms:

JUST IN CASE (DYSPNOEA) – morphine sulphate 10mg/1ml ampoules now recommended instead of diamorphine 5mg ampoules.

How to access the files:

NHSGGC eHealth has created a folder in the Practice Shared drive, the files are available by opening:
Practice Shared Drive > eHealth > Pharmacy-Services > GGC Drug Synonyms

Further Information:

For further advice or information please contact


Published 25/05/2020. Medicines Update blogs are correct at the time of publication.